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Wish Mango Tree: The Double
Valzeli Sampaio

Wish Mango Tree is a specific site/public intervention to be installed on the georeferenced mango trees from the city of Belém. The project is powered by the electronic labeling app and technological device and the creation of a hollow steel plate with the logo of the Mangueira Desejo project that will allow you to activate augmented reality, seeking a better location by application. And it will promote interaction between individuals: humans and mango trees. These wishes should be visible to whoever approaches the mango tree forming a virtual cloud of wishes around the tree. This installation project proposes the displacement of a project developed in a site specific, in Republica Square, in the city of Belém do Pará, north of Brazil. Moving physically, the device, installed in a tree/double, and shared data/desires simultaneously between Belém and the exhibition space.
Val Sampaio, Et al.
Federal University of Pará
Valzeli Sampaio: Visual artist, works with different media: media art, video art, photography, installations, interventions and actions. It belongs to the generation that produced video art in the 90s: SOME WORKS: WATER intervention with locative media, 2020-2011, in the Amazon River (Santarém-Óbidos-Oriximiná). Cavername (2010) installation, in partnership with Art Mov, Lab Vivo, Lei Semar, Post-Doctorate in Art at ECA/USP . MEETINGS (2012-2019) object/device with Gilbertto Prado and the Poetics Research Group of ECA-USP. 2014 WORKS OF VISUAL ARTS - Amoreiras Project, Installation. video and device, exhibition collective, “Itau Cultural and EMMEIO#6.0, National Museum of the Republic, Brasília.
Lab Techné is a research group in artistic poetics that aims to promote the development of experimental projects and reflection on new technologies in the field of arts. In this LAB TÈCHNE group, the production of knowledge generated by experiences with art and technologies is sought, especially in relation to electronics and computers.